Ever look in your closet full of clothes and think "Dang! I have nothing to wear!!" ME TOO!
Where the heck do all these clothes come from?? Wherever or whenever they came, they did so with enthusiasm and emotion. They were welcomed that day, they were enjoyed (perhaps momentarily) and they have had a small (or massively and unhealthily large) emotional connection to you ever since.
It is time to let go. Clean out your closet. Take the things you once loved, (or never really fell for) but have not even thought about wearing in years and let them go. Let them go somewhere amazing. Donate them! You don't even have to put them in your car and take them anywhere. The Vietnam Veterans of America will come to your house tomorrow and pick them up. The items you donate will benefit the families of Vietnam Veterans. Schedule a pick up today.
The money you spent on the clothing you no longer wear can make a difference in someones life. There is no reason NOT to do this.
I am sure your bags of household items, clothing, shoes and toys will add up to much more than $48, but for the sake of this blog, give your "$48" to the VVA this month.
The 48 Club needs you to pay attention to your community, have a sense of social responsibility, bag it up and schedule the pick up. Do the right thing.
If you can't part with things that are collecting dust in your home, please watch just one episode of Hoarders on A&E immediately. http://www.aetv.com/hoarders/video/
A little perspective, people.
Happy September!