Thursday, July 21, 2011

$48 = $144 or, The Pink Stand Mixer

Have you bought something pink recently? Have you seen something pink for sale? Seen a little pink ribbon on something at the supermarket, at the store...?  This is called CAUSE MARKETING.  It is a way for a huge branded nonprofit to partner with products and help them sell those products in exchange for a large donation from a major company.  The donation is only being made so that the product can use the nonprofit logo.  The feel good brand is selling the regular old brand.  It is brilliant.
Is it giving back? Kind of.  Is it making an educated and informed choice on where your generous donation is going?  Unlikely.  
The big nonprofit is passing off the feeling of "giving back" by asking you to purchase a certain brand of crackers, or a athletic jersey, or a pink stand mixer.  And in a small way, you are helping, you really are.  But do you know the name of the person in your town who is suffering with cancer today? Suffering with the financial and emotional burden? Do you know their family? If you DID, would you take that money, ear-marked for the pink stand mixer and instead hand it to the family, personally?  You should.  I am telling you right now, that you absolutely should do this.  If you can't do this.  If you do not have the time or do not even know who needs you to do this...don't be thwarted.  There is an organization in the Philadelphia area who has found an incredible way to help, at home, where it counts.

The 48 Club proudly announces the featured nonprofit for July 2011. 

For every dollar raised by Great Guys Group, they are able to pay down almost $3 of a nominated patient's medical bills.  They are businesspeople, and they know how to negotiate.  They negotiate the bills, then they pay them off.  The more they raise, the more people they can help.  They don't have a billboard on the Ben Franklin Bridge, and they don't give pink cleats to players in the NFL.  They help sick people in our area live better lives.  They bring hope.

If you want to feel good today, if you want to bring hope, give $48 to The Great Guys Group.   
This is an organization you can trust.

Make a difference with just a few clicks.   Do it now.  Then talk about it.  Tell everyone you know about The Great Guys Group.

They are an extraordinary resource, serving patients and their families, connecting donors and benefactors to improve lives that have been burdened by the cancer experience in our area.
Learn more about them, visit them online: or, if you know someone who is in need, nominate them to become a recipient:
Be sure to "like" them on The Book,!/greatguysgroup
(You'll wish you could "love" them on the book, trust me.)

They need your help.  Share this post with your friends and family.
Let's all do our part.  

Yours in giving,
The 48 Club

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Give it away, give it away, give it away, now.

Friends, Countrymen... I ask you to ask yourselves... when was the last time you really did something good?  Today I donated to a nonprofit.  I took $48 that was earmarked for monthly membership club dues, and I gave it away.  Instead of networking in my club and self-promoting, I handed off the $48 to a well deserving nonprofit who does good!

Stay tuned for more reasons why giving it away is the only way to keep it coming....